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Convert TIFF to DGN

Our experts at deal with recreating home plans,floor plans and elevations,for construction of building projects, for clients according to their specifications and needs.

Our designers use blocks and attributes extensively during the manual conversion process. Format Conversion helps in converting your TIFF image files to MicroStation's (DGN) format. Mechanical drawings or architectural plans are very intricate images and draftsmen must exercise extreme caution while preparing them. We can customize the levels and layers, according to your requirements. We ensure preservation of levels in the form of layers, during our manual conversions, when we are converting files to the DWG format.

Tagged Image File Format or TIFF is a file format for mainly storing images, including photographs and line art. TIFF is also a popular format for high color depth images. The TIFF format is widely supported by image applications such as Photoshop (Adobe), GIMP, Ulead (PhotoImpact) and PaintShop Pro (Corel) and by scanning, faxing, word processing, optical character recognition, and other applications. It is because of its easy view-ability that TIFF files are one of the most used forms.

But a TIFF file is not easily editable and cannot be used for a lot of purposes in its original form. Solution: We can convert your TIFF files to DGN files and enhance them without affecting your data.

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